Matt Flounders


resident, researcher, runner

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I'm a neurology resident interested in the intersection of vascular risk factors, neuroimaging, and cognition. I live in Pennsylvania and love to run. In my career, I aspire to be a perceptive, empathetic, and intellectually curious physician


My research has been primarily focused on understanding the brain with non-invasive multi-modal imaging. During my post-baccalaureate fellowship at the NINDS with Biyu He, I studied the spatiotemporal dynamics of how prior knowledge influences visual perception using fMRI, MEG, and multivariate pattern analysis. Most recently, I applied neuroimaging analysis in clinical settings to create individualized, targeted brain stimulation protocols for treatment-resistent depression under the mentorship of Desmond Oathes. As a resident at UPMC, I hope to investigate the intersection of neuroinflammation and vascular pathologies with neuroimaging in clinical populations with neurodegenerative conditions and diagnoses of mild cognitive impairment
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Highlighted Project

ASLPrep: a platform for processing of arterial spin labeled MRI and quantification of regional brain perfusion
led by Azeez Adebimpe and PennLINC team
Arterial spin labeled (ASL) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the primary method for non-invasively measuring regional brain perfusion in humans. We introduce ASLPrep, a suite of software pipelines that ensure the reproducible and generalizable processing of ASL MRI data
Nature Methods | Code | Docs nature2022fig1 nature2022fig2